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232 kr (inkl. moms)
Light and flexible First aid bag with unique design.
Accidents can happen without warning, and we have experienced this many times in our own homes. Thus, we wanted to design and pack a useful first aid kit that is easy to take along when going canoeing, biking, or hiking. We have based the selection of equipment on our practical experience.
Lightweight and ideally first aid kit, designed and packed based on our many years of relevant experience. This kit was created with children in mind, and so contains the most recent (2021) guidelines for administering CPR on children. As the kit is very small, it is possible to take along on all outings with children and is useful in many different situations.
1, First Aid Info Folder – Adult 8, Wet Tissue 1pc
2, Tick free – tick remover 9, Soap Wipe 1pc
3, Tape roll – 1 pc 10, Swabs 1 package
4, Safety pins 5 pcs 11, Plasters 5 pc
5, Scissors 1 pc 12, Tweezer 1pc
6, CPR mask 1 pcs 13, Hydrocolloid plasters
7, Long adhesive plaster pc 14, Strips 6 pc
15, Triangular bandage 1pc
16, Elastic bandage 1pc